curriculum vitae

curriculum vitae


PhD in Theology (forthcoming)Fuller Theological Seminary
M.A. in Christian Studies (2020) Dallas Theological Seminary
B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies (2016) College of the Ozarks

Academic Experience

Adjunct Professor of Old Testament (Aug 2023 – present) | John Brown University
Teaching Assistant to Sebastian Kim (Public Theology, Mar 2023 – present)
 | Fuller Theological Seminary
Research Assistant to Sebastian Kim (polarization, Mar 2022 – present)
 | Fuller Theological Seminary
Head Rep. of The Common Good Student Group (Jan 2022 – present) | Fuller Theological Seminary
Assisting Reader and Editor to James Todd III (Jan 2016 – May 2016) | College of the Ozarks


American Academy of Religion Student Member (Sep 2021 – present)
Evangelical Theological Society Student Member (Nov 2020 – present)
Theta Alpha Kappa College of the Ozarks Chapter Student President (Aug 2015 – May 2016)

Ministry Experience

Minister of Discipleship ( Oct 2021 – Feb 2023) | Missio Community Church, Pasadena, CA
Participate in a church plant through preaching, facilitating small groups, training leaders, and connecting newcomers to the community of the church. 

Grounds Maintenance Specialist (Jun 2018 – Jul 2021) | Fellowship NWA, Rogers, AR
Developed and Implemented curriculum following the theme of vocation through Scripture and the implications for Christian work and workplaces

Connections Pastor (Jan 2022 – Jun 2020) | Northwest Community Church, Bella Vista, AR
Preached monthly and collaborated with a team to develop sermon series, and facilitate congregational connection through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Volunteer Preacher (Aug 2019 – Dec 2019) | Northwest Community Church, Bella Vista, AR
Preached monthly for a local congregation.

Resident for Mosaic Student Ministries (Jun 2016 – May 2017) | Fellowship NWA, Rogers, AR
Taught, developed curriculum, and facilitated community groups for middle and high school students; organized and led retreats and oversaw an international mission trip.

Summer Discipleship Intern (May 2014 – Aug 2014) The Keystone Project, Houston, TX
Built discipling relationships with refugee youth, equipping them to share the gospel and make disciples of their peers in multicultural communities.


Journal Articles

“(Un)Likely Allies: Public Theology and Theological Interpretation in Conversation”, Journal of Theological Interpretation (forthcoming, 2024).

From Consumption to Communion: The Ecclesial Role of Public Theologians in Cultivating a Livable City“, International Journal of Public Theology 17 (2023): 497-520.

A Public Convergence: Embracing the Congregation as a Place of Difference“, International Journal of Public Theology 16, 4 (2022): 447-465.

Book Reviews

The Aesthetics of Atheism: Theology and Imagination in Contemporary Culture, written by Kutter Callaway and Barry Taylor“, International Journal of Public Theology 16, 2 (2022): 245-246.

God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach, written by Lee, Hak Joon“, International Journal of Public Theology 15, 4 (2021): 600-601.

Popular Articles

Parker, Dylan et. al. “The Beloved Community: Environmental Injustice as a Threat to Justice Everywhere”, FULLER Magazine 23 (2022): 57.


“Faith and Labor: An Ecclesiology of Blue-Collar Participation”
2023 American Academy of Religion | Ecclesiological Investigations Unit

“Building Bridges: Blue-Collar Labor and Evangelical Public Theology”
2023 Evangelical Theological Society | Public Theology Unit

“Public Ecclesiology for Civil Discourse in United States Evangelicalism”
2023 American Academy of Religion/Western Region | Christianity Unit

“From Consumption to Contribution: A Theology of Work for the Reclamation of Humanity and the Places We Inhabit”
2022 Global Network of Public Theologians | Liveable Cities Working Group

“Work and Keep: Reclaiming the Possibility of an Evangelical Response to the Environmental Crisis”
2022 American Academy of Religion | Evangelical Studies Unit

“Christian Forgiveness as a Distinct Contribution in Social Justice”
2022 American Academy of Religion/Western Region | Christianity Unit